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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

2 WEEKS!!!!

I cannot believe we leave in 2 weeks! Stress is really starting to settle in! I feel pretty confident though that we have everything we need to take on the trip with us. I am just feeling very nervous leaving the boys. I'm sure it will be a piece of cake for them. It will just be hard for mom!
Jeff & I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us out during our fundraiser (& after!). You all have no idea what is means to us! I had so much fun Saturday scrapbooking and gabbing! It was nice to have a day for that!
I will post our flight times soon. They are upstairs and I'm being lazy and don't want to go up and get them!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007


WE LEAVE 3 WEEKS FROM TODAY!!!!!!! We received our TA yesterday! We leave Tues, Oct 9th at 12:15pm on NW and return Wed Oct 24th at 4:40pm. Everything is tentative right now of course until its all paid for! (which will be soon!) We should get Claire on Sunday, Oct 14th. I am beyond excited! They are telling us she is only 15 pounds which seems awful small to me! Of course I'm used to my children who were practially walking at the time of birth. I feel pretty good in terms of having everything we need to take with us. Now its just the task of making all arrangements for the boys. I was up half the night worrying about that but I'm sure it will all work out.
Thanks for the prayers everyone, they seem to have worked! Before we know it, we'll be back home w/the newest addition of the Meislahn family!!!!!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007


Another week and no news. It has been 3 full weeks since we received our LOA from China. I am praying that this week we get something. The fact that I cannot make solid arrangements for the boys is really getting to me. I want to be sure everything is planned out completely and arranged so I don't have to worry!
Our scrapbooking fundraiser is this Saturday at church and I am so excited about it!! I get to have a whole day to scrapbook and get some things done!!!!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007


Well, Claire's first birthday has come and gone w/out us being there with her. Yesterday was a rough day for me, just knowing that she still isn't home. We still haven't heard anything about travel and I'm quickly losing my mind. This is very frustrating! We have now been waiting over 2 months since we first received her referral. I pray that word comes this week or I might have to SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are continuing to get things done around the house but its getting very old!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Nothing new to report. Last week was a quiet week (adoption wise). Cameron had the flu on Thurs., was fine by Friday. We painted our hallway & entryway on Saturday. Now we just have the living room and the master bedroom left! The nursery is done!
We received our Visas yesterday from the Chinese Embassy in DC. that is a huge relief! Now we're praying that we get some kind of news this week on travel dates. I'm not holding my breath though!!!!

Carter, Claire & Cameron

Carter, Claire & Cameron

Dedication Sunday

Dedication Sunday

After our bath

After our bath

Claire in her new stroller!

Claire in her new stroller!
(Thanks Auntie Mary!)

Daddy & Claire

Daddy & Claire

Just hanging out!

Just hanging out!

Our Piano Player

Our Piano Player
Clapping for herself!

Our hotel in Changsha, Hunan

Our hotel in Changsha, Hunan

Momma & Claire

Momma & Claire

Whacko Market in Changsha Hunan

Whacko Market in Changsha Hunan
We loved the name! Perfect for us!

The "Meat Department" in Walmart

The "Meat Department" in Walmart
Changsha, Hunan

Martyrs Park in Changsha

Martyrs Park in Changsha

More of Martyrs Park in Changsha Hunan

More of Martyrs Park in Changsha Hunan

Momma & Claire w/Chinese lady

Momma & Claire w/Chinese lady
& her son

Ruby & Claire

Ruby & Claire